exhibitions Feb 10´19
Floral Centerpiece
Deák Erika GalleryBudapest (H)
Feb 2019.
Curator: Sárvári Zita
A.K. Blakemore
Csató József
Ember Sári (Molnár Ani Galéria)
Gáldi Vinkó Andrea
Kemény Zsófia
Kiss Adrian (Art + Text)
Klenyánszki Csilla (Trapéz Galéria)
Moizer Zsuzsa
Pósalaki Anett
Simon Márton
Szűcs Attila
Alexander Tinei
“Words and images are correlated that eternally search for one another,” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
The theme of our upcoming exhibition is the motif that constantly revolves and rejuvenates in the arts, that is, the flower. The greatness of this classical subject is its simplicity. Through this exhibition, we aim to keep alive this eternal theme and intend to present a variety of its representation in different media. We also plan to re-think the relationship between fine arts and literature, – it is certainly not unconventional but rarely happens is a gallery setting – we will exhibit several poems along the artworks.
The poems will be exhibited as single artworks, placed on the walls, along with the paintings, drawings, photos, and objects. The selection is not aiming to continue the long discourse of esthetic polemic, but intends to present these sister muses parallel to each other. We do not want to make „poetry to a speaking picture, painting to a silent poetry”. (Lessing) We believe that poetry has a place in an exhibition situation, where literary and visual arts affect one another and as well reveal new readings and perceptions.
Music and video for Ludwig Museum’s Slow Life online exhibition opening
Art Viewer – Not Enough Buckets to Hold The Tears of Joy
exhibitions Sep 06´19
Not enough buckets to hold the tears of joy ENA Viewing Space Budapest (H)
exhibitions May 08´19
Each and every kiss Deák Erika Gallery Budapest (H)